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We've got you covered this tax season!

File your taxes with Tongo for just $149—flat rate, no hidden fees. Get your Maximum Refund* with zero stress!

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Introducing your tax season solutions

Powered by april
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Tax Filer

File taxes effortlessly with Tongo — Flat fee, no surprises.

Get your taxes done quickly and accurately, right inside the Tongo platform. For just  $149   $99, enjoy a seamless filing experience with no hidden fees, maximizing your refund without the hassle.
 $149   $99
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Tax Estimator

Not sure what to expect this tax season? Estimate your tax returns with our free tool!

Get a quick and accurate estimate of your federal tax refund for free. Calculate your tax refund in a snap!
Badge for 100% accuracy guaranteeNo UpsellsMaximum Refund Guarantee

Filing Taxes, Simplified, and Guaranteed

Because your peace of mind matters. With our 100% accuracy guarantee, maximum refund promise, and no upsells, we’re here to make tax filing simple, transparent, and stress-free.


Here's what others have to say

"This was the easiest way I have ever filed my taxes"
-Hannah, previously filed with TurboTax
"It was simple, easy to follow instructions and very user friendly"
-Corey, first time filer
"Very helpful, customer service is wonderful"
-Tammy, previously filed with CashApp Taxes
Frequently asked questions

Am I eligibile to file taxes with Tongo?

Tongo's Tax Filer is exclusively designed for individuals filing 1099 income. If you’re a commission-based professional or independent contractor with 1099 earnings, our platform is tailored to meet your needs. However, we currently do not support tax filings for S Corporations (S Corps) or Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). For those filing under these business structures, we recommend consulting a tax professional to ensure compliance and accuracy.

How do you keep my information secure?

Tongo has partnered with april, an IRS authorized e-file provider. april uses state-of-the-art cybersecurity and follows data protection standards required by the IRS.

How does the tax estimator work?

Estimator is a tool to help you forecast your potential federal refund and federal taxes, including your quarterly estimated taxes.

What is the deadline for filing taxes?

The federal tax filing deadline is April 15, unless you file for an extension.

How can I file an extension?

Use Form 4868 to apply for up to an additional six months to file your federal taxes. This gives you extra time to get your paperwork together and ensure everything is in order before submitting your return. Keep in mind, while this gives you extra time to file your return, it doesn’t extend the time to pay any taxes you owe. Make sure to settle up by the original due date in April to avoid penalties and/or interest.

Filing a federal tax extension is simple and can be done in a few different ways. You can file online using the IRS Free File service or go the traditional route by mailing Form 4868 to the IRS. You should enclose payment of your estimated tax due to get ahead of the balance due.

When applying for a tax extension, it's important to remember that the filing deadline for Form 4868 matches the original tax deadline, usually April 15. You don’t need to explain your reason for the extension request, and the IRS will only contact you if it’s denied. However, if you’re expecting the IRS to calculate your taxes for you or are under a court order to file by the regular due date, Form 4868 won't work for your situation.

Note: You may be required to file an extension for both federal and state if applicable. You can visit your state site for more information about requesting an extension.

When will I get my refund?

The IRS usually issues most refunds within 21 days, so you can expect to receive your money pretty quickly. However, some tax returns may require additional review, which could delay the processing of your refund. To keep an eye on your federal refund, just visit the IRS website and use the “Where’s My Refund” tool. Have your Social Security or taxpayer ID number, filing status, and the exact refund amount from your return ready.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Talk to our team!

*Maximum Refund Guarantee disclosure: If you find an error in the tax preparation that entitles you to a larger refund (or smaller liability), we will refund any fees you paid us to use our service to prepare that return and you may use our service to amend your return at no additional charge. To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax liability must not be due to differences or inaccuracies in data supplied by you, your choice not to claim a deduction or credit, positions taken on your return that are contrary to law, or changes in federal or state tax laws.

**100% Accuracy Guarantee disclosure: If our tax preparation software makes a mathematical error that results in your payment of a penalty and/or interest to the IRS that you would otherwise not have been required to pay, April will reimburse you up to a maximum of $10,000.